Enhancing quality of life for people affected by mental illness and addictions.

 Family is an integral part of all levels of care. 

 Early and meaningful support of the family as a unit has multiple benefits both for the individuals affected, and for the system as a whole; notably:   

  • less dysfunction and secondary illness in the affected family members,
  • more helpful responses to family members experiencing symptoms of illness,
  • reduced homelessness,
  • fewer emergency room visits and hospitalizations,
  • fewer intervention from police and emergency response services such as police, paramedics
  • less use of the judicial system and correctional services.

We call for increased recognition and support in the following four areas:

     I. Enhancing services and support for families supporting patients in               the system

    II. Supporting family peer support and family organizations

    III. Involving families as partners in care, rehabilitation and recovery

    IV. Involving families as system partners

From Rollercoaster to Recovery

$ 20 CAD

A guide for families and individuals navigating the addictions and mental health system in Champlain.

(Ottawa and the counties of Renfrew, Lanark, Prescott-Russell, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry)

Whether there is a long history of mental illness issues and or addiction issues in your family or you are new to the struggle, this book will be a useful reource. It provides facts, tips strategies, resources, advice and personal experiences that you may be able to relate to. 

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from rollercoaster to recovery

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